For one night the Minor Peewee AA team got to call the Canadian Tire Centre their home.
The team got an opportunity to play one of their home league games on the ice the Ottawa Senators call home.
Add to the excitement of this opportunity already, the boys were then surprised with the dressing room they got to use. Pictured here is the Ottawa Senators dressing room where the boys prepared for the game and had full use of; you can only imagine their expressions as they walked through the double doors into the room! An opportunity that doesn't come along very often.
Upcoming Games
U12 Seaway Valley Rapids vs. U12 @ Spencerville Arena Tuesday March 18, 7:30 pm
U15 Nepean Raiders vs. U15 @ Spencerville Arena Tuesday March 18, 9:00 pm
U13 U13 vs. Ottawa Valley Silver Seven @ Cavanagh Sensplex Friday March 21, 7:00 pm
U9 U9 vs. Cumberland Grads @ Benson Centre Saturday March 22, 10:30 am
U9 U9 vs. Seaway Valley Rapids @ Benson Centre Saturday March 22, 1:30 pm